Registration (closes 10 May 2024)

Please register for the conference here:

The early bird registration fee for onsite paper presenters (by 1 March
2024) is 100 EURO, for online presenters 70 EURO.

The late registration fee (after 1 March 2024) is 120 EURO for onsite presenters, and 90 EURO for online presenters.

The early bird registration fee for students is 50 EURO (onsite), 30 EURO (online). The late student registration fee (after 1 March 2024) is 70 EURO (onsite), 50 EURO (online).

The early attendee registration fee is 80 EURO. The late attendee
registration fee is 100 EURO.

Participation in the conference methodological workshops is free (40
places): 20 places are booked for conference attendants and the other 20 can be booked by conference participants. Registration in advance is required. Please register for the workshops on the conference website.

The conference fee includes the conference bag, refreshments/coffee breaks and a guided excursion in the Old Town of Vilnius on 13 June (Thursday, Day 2 of the conference).

The registration fee (please indicate payment reference ESTIDIA 2024) should be paid to:

Mykolas Romeris University

Bank: Swedbank AB

Account: LT857300010002492590

Bank Address: Konstitucijos pr. 20A, 03502 Vilnius, Lietuva